![jan novák](images/jan.jpg)
I am a principal research scientist at NVIDIA working at the cross-section of rendering and machine learning. Prior to joining NVIDIA, I worked as a research scientist leading the Rendering Group at Disney Research Zürich. I received a B.Sc. (2007) and a M.Sc. (2009) degree from the Czech Technical University in Prague, and a Ph.D. degree (2014) from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology under the supervision of Carsten Dachsbacher.
I interned at DRZ (2011), and at Pixar Animation Studios (2012), and also worked as a senior software engineer at the Walt Disney Animation Studios where I contributed to the development of the Hyperion Renderer. My research interests span (volumetric) light-transport simulation, acceleration data structures for ray tracing, GPU computing, and machine learning.
I am happily married and fully occupied with training four remarkably hard to train neural nets.
![Real-Time Neural Appearance Models](publications/NAP/NAP_teaser_small.jpg)
Real-Time Neural Appearance Models
March, 2024
![Inverse Global Illumination using a Neural Radiometric Prior](publications/IGINRP/IGINRP_teaser_small.jpg)
Inverse Global Illumination using a Neural Radiometric Prior
Los Angeles, USA, July, 2023
![Recursive Control Variates for Inverse Rendering](publications/CVIR/CVIR_teaser_small.jpg)
Recursive Control Variates for Inverse Rendering
Los Angeles, USA, July, 2023
![MesoGAN: Generative Neural Reflectance Shells](publications/MesoGAN/MesoGAN_teaser_small.jpg)
MesoGAN: Generative Neural Reflectance Shells
Sep, 2023
![Neural Scene Graph Rendering](publications/NSGR/NSGR_teaser_small.jpg)
Neural Scene Graph Rendering
August, 2021
![Real-time Neural Radiance Caching for Path Tracing](publications/NRC/NRC_teaser_small.jpg)
Real-time Neural Radiance Caching for Path Tracing
August, 2021
![An Unbiased Ray-marching Transmittance Estimator](publications/URM/URM_teaser_small.jpg)
An Unbiased Ray-marching Transmittance Estimator
August, 2021
![Zero-variance Transmittance Estimation](publications/ZeroVarTrans/ZeroVarTrans_teaser_small.jpg)
![NeRF-Tex: Neural Reflectance Field Textures](publications/NeRFTex/NeRFTex_teaser_small.png)
NeRF-Tex: Neural Reflectance Field Textures
Sept, 2022
![Compositional Neural Scene Representations for Shading Inference](publications/CNSR/CNSR_teaser_small.jpg)
Compositional Neural Scene Representations for Shading Inference
August 17--28, 2020
![Neural Control Variates](publications/NCV/NCV_teaser_small.jpg)
Neural Control Variates
December, 2020
![Neural Importance Sampling](publications/NIS/NIS_teaser_small.png)
Neural Importance Sampling
Los Angeles, USA, July 28--August 1, 2019
![A Radiative Transfer Framework for Non-exponential Media](publications/NonExpRT/NonExpRT_teaser_small.jpg)
A Radiative Transfer Framework for Non-exponential Media
Tokyo, Japan, December 4--7, 2018
![Appearance Capture and Modeling of Human Teeth](publications/TeethAppearance/TeethAppearance_teaser_small.jpg)
Appearance Capture and Modeling of Human Teeth
Tokyo, Japan, December 4--7, 2018
![Denoising with Kernel Prediction and Asymmetric Loss Functions](publications/KPAL/KPAL_teaser_small.jpg)
Denoising with Kernel Prediction and Asymmetric Loss Functions
Vancouver, Canada, August 12--16, 2018
![Monte Carlo Methods for Physically Based Volume Rendering](publications/VolumeCourse/VolumeCourse_teaser_small.jpg)
Monte Carlo Methods for Physically Based Volume Rendering
Vancouver, Canada, August 12--16, 2018
![Machine Learning and Rendering](publications/MLCourse/MLCourse_teaser_small.png)
Machine Learning and Rendering
Vancouver, Canada, August 12--16, 2018
![Denoising Deep Monte Carlo Renderings](publications/DeepZDenoising/DeepZDenoising_teaser_small.jpg)
Denoising Deep Monte Carlo Renderings
![Reversible Jump Metropolis Light Transport using Inverse Mappings](publications/RJMLT/RJMLT_teaser_small.jpg)
Reversible Jump Metropolis Light Transport using Inverse Mappings
New York, NY, USA, October, 2017
Monte Carlo Methods for Volumetric Light Transport Simulation
Delft, Netherlands, April 16-20, 2018
![Deep Scattering: Rendering Atmospheric Clouds with Radiance-Predicting Neural Networks](publications/DeepScattering/DeepScattering_teaser_small.jpg)
Deep Scattering: Rendering Atmospheric Clouds with Radiance-Predicting Neural Networks
Bangkok, Thailand, November, 2017
![Spectral and Decomposition Tracking for Rendering Heterogeneous Volumes](publications/SDTracking/SDTracking_teaser_small.jpg)
Spectral and Decomposition Tracking for Rendering Heterogeneous Volumes
Los Angeles, USA, July 05--August 03, 2017
![Kernel-Predicting Convolutional Networks for Denoising Monte Carlo Renderings](publications/KPCN/KPCN_teaser_small.jpg)
Kernel-Predicting Convolutional Networks for Denoising Monte Carlo Renderings
Los Angeles, USA, July 05--August 03, 2017
![Practical Path Guiding for Efficient Light-Transport Simulation](publications/PathGuide/PathGuide_teaser_small.jpg)
Practical Path Guiding for Efficient Light-Transport Simulation
Helsinki, Finland, June 20-22, 2017
![Image-space Control Variates for Rendering](publications/CVRendering/CVRendering_teaser_small.jpg)
Image-space Control Variates for Rendering
Macao, China, December 05-08, 2016
![Efficient Rendering of Heterogenous Polydisperse Granular Media](publications/HGM/HGM_teaser_small.jpg)
Efficient Rendering of Heterogenous Polydisperse Granular Media
Macao, China, December 05-08, 2016
![Reduced Aggregate Scattering Operators for Path Tracing](publications/RASO/RASO_teaser_small.jpg)
Reduced Aggregate Scattering Operators for Path Tracing
Okinawa, Japan, October 11-14, 2016
![Nonlinearly Weighted First-order Regression for Denoising Monte Carlo Renderings](publications/NFOR/NFOR_teaser_small.png)
Nonlinearly Weighted First-order Regression for Denoising Monte Carlo Renderings
David Adler, Kenny Mitchell, Wojciech Jarosz, and Jan Novák
Dublin, Ireland, June 22-24, 2016
![Subdivision Next-Event Estimation for Path-Traced Subsurface Scattering](publications/SNEE/SNEE_teaser_small.png)
Subdivision Next-Event Estimation for Path-Traced Subsurface Scattering
Dublin, Ireland, June 22-24, 2016
![Portal-Masked Environment Map Sampling](publications/PMEMS/PMEMS_teaser_small.jpg)
Portal-Masked Environment Map Sampling
Darmstadt, Germany, 2015
![Residual Ratio Tracking for Estimating Attenuation in Participating Media](publications/RRTracking/RRTracking_teaser_small.jpg)
Residual Ratio Tracking for Estimating Attenuation in Participating Media
Shenzen, China, December 3-6, 2014
![Efficient Many-Light Rendering of Scenes with Participating Media](publications/dissertation/dissertation_teaser_small.jpg)
Efficient Many-Light Rendering of Scenes with Participating Media
Karlsruhe, Germany, 2014
![Progressive Visibility Caching for Fast Indirect Illumination](publications/PVCFID/PVCFID_teaser_small.jpg)
Progressive Visibility Caching for Fast Indirect Illumination
Lugano, Switzerland, September 11-13, 2013
![Path-Space Manipulation of Physically-Based Light Transport](publications/PSMPBLT/PSMPBLT_teaser_small.jpg)
Path-Space Manipulation of Physically-Based Light Transport
Anaheim, USA, July 21-25, 2013
![Scalable Realistic Rendering with Many-Light Methods](publications/ManyLightSTAR/ManyLightSTAR_teaser_small.png)
Scalable Realistic Rendering with Many-Light Methods
Girona, Spain, May 6-10, 2013
![Progressive Virtual Beam Lights](publications/VBL/VBL_teaser_small.jpg)
Progressive Virtual Beam Lights
Paris, France, June 27-29, 2012
![Virtual Ray Lights for Rendering Scenes with Participating Media](publications/VRL/VRL_teaser_small.jpg)
Virtual Ray Lights for Rendering Scenes with Participating Media
Los Angeles, USA, August 5-9, 2012
![Approximate Bias Compensation for Rendering Scenes with Heterogeneous Participating Media](publications/ABC/ABC_teaser_small.png)
Approximate Bias Compensation for Rendering Scenes with Heterogeneous Participating Media
Hong Kong, China, September 12-14, 2012
![Rasterized Bounding Volume Hierarchies](publications/RBVH/RBVH_teaser_small.png)
Rasterized Bounding Volume Hierarchies
Cagliary, Italy, May 13-18, 2012
![Screen-Space Bias Compensation for Interactive High-Quality Global Illumination with Virtual Point Lights](publications/SSBC/SSBC_teaser_small.jpg)
Screen-Space Bias Compensation for Interactive High-Quality Global Illumination with Virtual Point Lights
San Francisco, USA, February 18-20, 2011
![Path Regeneration for Random Walks](publications/PathRegRW/PathRegRW_teaser_small.png)
Path Regeneration for Random Walks
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 2011
![Instant Multiple Scattering for Interactive Rendering of Heterogeneous Participating Media](publications/IMSTechRep/IMSTechRep_teaser_small.jpg)
Instant Multiple Scattering for Interactive Rendering of Heterogeneous Participating Media
KIT - Karlsruhe Institut of Technology, December 8, 2010
![Path Regeneration for Interactive Path Tracing](publications/PathRegPT/PathRegPT_teaser_small.jpg)
Path Regeneration for Interactive Path Tracing
Norrköping, Sweden, May 3-7, 2010
WS 2018 (ETH)
WS 2017 (ETH)
WS 2016 (ETH)
WS 2015 (ETH)
SS 2015 (ETH)
SS 2013 (KIT)
- GPU-Computing
- General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Processing Units
- Praktikum Grafik-Programmierung und Anwendungen
WS 2012/2013 (KIT)
- GPU-Computing
- General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Processing Units
- Praktikum Grafik-Programmierung und Anwendungen
SS 2012 (KIT)
- GPU-Computing
- General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Processing Units
- Praktikum Grafik-Programmierung und Anwendungen
WS 2011/2012 (KIT)
- GPU-Computing
- General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Processing Units
- Praktikum Grafik-Programmierung und Anwendungen
SS 2011 (KIT)
- GPU-Computing
- General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Processing Units
- Seminar Natürliche Phänomene in der Computergrafik
WS 2010/2011 (KIT)
- GPU-Computing
- General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Processing Units
- Fortgeschrittene Echtzeit-Rendering-Techniken
reviewing for
- Transaction on Graphics, Computer Graphics Forum, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Computers & Graphics, and others
- SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH Asia, Eurographics, EGSR, HPG, Pacific Graphics, Graphics Interface, and others
professional activities
- IPC member for SIGGRAPH 2019, EGSR 2017; 2020, HPG 2017; 2020, Pacific Graphics 2019
- Posters co-chair for EGSR 2014
- Saeed Hadadan (NVIDIA) - internship, finished 1/2023
- Baptiste Nicolet (NVIDIA) - 3-month internship, finished 9/2022
- Stavros Diolatzis (NVIDIA) - 3-month internship, finished 10/2021
- Pascal Chang (ETH) - Towards Photorealistic and Controllable Neural Appearance Transfer M.Sc. thesis, 10/2022
- Alexandre Cavaleri (ETH) - Photorealistic Neural Appearance Transfer, M.Sc. thesis, 2021
- Hendrik Baatz (ETH, NVIDIA) - NeRF-Tex: Neural Radiance Field Textures, M.Sc. thesis, 3/2021, and 3-month internship
- Till Schnabel (ETH, NVIDIA) - Temporal Neural Scene Understanding, M.Sc. thesis, 8/2020, and 3-month internship
- Thijs Vogels (NVIDIA) - 3-month internship, finished 8/2020
- Ivo Kondapaneni (NVIDIA) - 3-month internship, finished 8/2020
- Jonathan Granskog (ETH, NVIDIA) - Neural Scene Understanding, M.Sc. thesis, finished 9/2019
- Thomas Müller (ETH) - Efficient Light-transport Simulation using Machine Learning, Ph.D. thesis, finished 4/2019
- Ivo Kondapaneni (DRZ) - 3-month internship, finished 9/2018
- Xi Deng (DRZ) - 3-month internship, finished 9/2018
- Yu-chen Tsai (ETH) - Volumetric Reconstruction of Atmospheric Clouds from a Single Image, M.Sc. thesis, finished 4/2018
- Delio Vicini (ETH) - Gradient-domain Rendering of Clouds, M.Sc. thesis, 2017
- Lifan Wu (DRZ) - 3-month internship, finished 9/2017
- Matthias Fauconneau (DRZ) - 9-month internship, finished 9/2017
- Zdravko Velinov (DRZ) 3-month internship, finished 9/2017
- Simon Kallweit (ETH) - Learning High-Order Scattering in Rendering from Data, M.Sc. thesis, finished 9/2016
- Thijs Vogels (ETH) - Kernel-predicting Convolutional Neural Networks For Denoising Monte Carlo Renderings, M.Sc. thesis, finished 9/2016
- Delio Vicini (DRZ) - 3-month internship, finished 9/2016
- Parsa Mirdehghan (DRZ) 3-month internship, finished 9/2016
- Thomas Müller (ETH) - Modeling and Rendering Heterogeneous Granular Media, M.Sc. thesis, finished 3/2016
- Benedikt Bitterli (ETH) - Informed Choices in Primary Sample Space, M.Sc. thesis, finished 9/2015
- Adrian Blumer (DRZ) - 3-month internship, finished 1/2015
- David Koerner (DRZ) - 3-month internship, finished 12/2014
- Shuoran Yang (DRZ) - 6-month part-time internship, finished 8/2014
- Simon Kallweit (DRZ) - 2-month internship, finished 8/2014
- Justus Ulbrich (KIT) - Visibility Caching for Progressive Many-Light Algorithms, B.Sc. thesis, finished 5/2012
- Michael Sohm (KIT) - Progressive Virtual Spherical Lights for Rendering Glossy Scenes, B.Sc. thesis, finished 5/2012
- Karsten Brand (KIT) - Realistic Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering, Diploma thesis, finished 1/2012
- Martin Tillman (KIT) - 2D Path Tracing, Study thesis, finished 5/2011