Recursive Control Variates for Inverse Rendering
Baptiste Nicolet, Fabrice Rousselle, Jan Novák, Alexander Keller, Wenzel Jakob, Thomas Müller
Transaction on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2023), vol. 42, no. 4

We improve physically based differentiable rendering by introducing a recursive control variate into the optimization loop. Left: a baseline method [Vicini et al. 2021] repeatedly renders noisy images to compute gradients. The noise leads to poor convergence. Right: applied on top of the baseline, our recursive control variate reduces the noise using information from similar renderings in prior optimization steps. This leads to a reconstruction that is much closer to the reference image. The plots show the evolution of the loss function and rendering variance as the optimization progresses.
We present a method for reducing errors—variance and bias—in physically based differentiable rendering (PBDR). Typical applications of PBDR repeatedly render a scene as part of an optimization loop involving gradient descent. The actual change introduced by each gradient descent step is often relatively small, causing a significant degree of redundancy in this computation. We exploit this redundancy by formulating a gradient estimator that employs a recursive control variate, which leverages information from previous optimization steps. The control variate reduces variance in gradients, and, perhaps more importantly, alleviates issues that arise from differentiating loss functions with respect to noisy inputs, a common cause of drift to bad local minima or divergent optimizations. We experimentally evaluate our approach on a variety of path-traced scenes containing surfaces and volumes and observe that primal rendering efficiency improves by a factor of up to 10.
@article{Nicolet2023Recursive, author = "Nicolet, Baptiste and Rousselle, Fabrice and Novák, Jan and Keller, Alexander and Jakob, Wenzel and Müller, Thomas", title = "Recursive Control Variates for Inverse Rendering", journal = "Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH)", volume = "42", number = "4", year = "2023", month = aug, doi = "10.1145/3592139", url = "" }