I am a principal research scientist at NVIDIA working at the cross-section of rendering and machine learning. Prior to joining NVIDIA, I worked as a research scientist leading the Rendering Group at Disney Research Zürich. I received a B.Sc. (2007) and a M.Sc. (2009) degree from the Czech Technical University in Prague, and a Ph.D. degree (2014) from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology under the supervision of Carsten Dachsbacher.
I interned at DRZ (2011), and at Pixar Animation Studios (2012), and also worked as a senior software engineer at the Walt Disney Animation Studios where I contributed to the development of the Hyperion Renderer. My research interests span (volumetric) light-transport simulation, acceleration data structures for ray tracing, GPU computing, and machine learning.
I am happily married and fully occupied with training four remarkably hard to train neural nets.

Real-Time Neural Appearance Models
March, 2024

Inverse Global Illumination using a Neural Radiometric Prior
Los Angeles, USA, July, 2023

Recursive Control Variates for Inverse Rendering
Los Angeles, USA, July, 2023

MesoGAN: Generative Neural Reflectance Shells
Sep, 2023

Neural Scene Graph Rendering
August, 2021

Real-time Neural Radiance Caching for Path Tracing
August, 2021

An Unbiased Ray-marching Transmittance Estimator
August, 2021

NeRF-Tex: Neural Reflectance Field Textures
Sept, 2022

Compositional Neural Scene Representations for Shading Inference
August 17--28, 2020

Neural Control Variates
December, 2020

Neural Importance Sampling
Los Angeles, USA, July 28--August 1, 2019

A Radiative Transfer Framework for Non-exponential Media
Tokyo, Japan, December 4--7, 2018

Appearance Capture and Modeling of Human Teeth
Tokyo, Japan, December 4--7, 2018

Denoising with Kernel Prediction and Asymmetric Loss Functions
Vancouver, Canada, August 12--16, 2018

Monte Carlo Methods for Physically Based Volume Rendering
Vancouver, Canada, August 12--16, 2018

Machine Learning and Rendering
Vancouver, Canada, August 12--16, 2018

Denoising Deep Monte Carlo Renderings

Reversible Jump Metropolis Light Transport using Inverse Mappings
New York, NY, USA, October, 2017
Monte Carlo Methods for Volumetric Light Transport Simulation
Delft, Netherlands, April 16-20, 2018

Deep Scattering: Rendering Atmospheric Clouds with Radiance-Predicting Neural Networks
Bangkok, Thailand, November, 2017

Spectral and Decomposition Tracking for Rendering Heterogeneous Volumes
Los Angeles, USA, July 05--August 03, 2017

Kernel-Predicting Convolutional Networks for Denoising Monte Carlo Renderings
Los Angeles, USA, July 05--August 03, 2017

Practical Path Guiding for Efficient Light-Transport Simulation
Helsinki, Finland, June 20-22, 2017

Image-space Control Variates for Rendering
Macao, China, December 05-08, 2016

Efficient Rendering of Heterogenous Polydisperse Granular Media
Macao, China, December 05-08, 2016

Reduced Aggregate Scattering Operators for Path Tracing
Okinawa, Japan, October 11-14, 2016

Nonlinearly Weighted First-order Regression for Denoising Monte Carlo Renderings
David Adler, Kenny Mitchell, Wojciech Jarosz, and Jan Novák
Dublin, Ireland, June 22-24, 2016

Subdivision Next-Event Estimation for Path-Traced Subsurface Scattering
Dublin, Ireland, June 22-24, 2016

Portal-Masked Environment Map Sampling
Darmstadt, Germany, 2015

Residual Ratio Tracking for Estimating Attenuation in Participating Media
Shenzen, China, December 3-6, 2014

Efficient Many-Light Rendering of Scenes with Participating Media
Karlsruhe, Germany, 2014

Progressive Visibility Caching for Fast Indirect Illumination
Lugano, Switzerland, September 11-13, 2013

Path-Space Manipulation of Physically-Based Light Transport
Anaheim, USA, July 21-25, 2013

Scalable Realistic Rendering with Many-Light Methods
Girona, Spain, May 6-10, 2013

Progressive Virtual Beam Lights
Paris, France, June 27-29, 2012

Virtual Ray Lights for Rendering Scenes with Participating Media
Los Angeles, USA, August 5-9, 2012

Approximate Bias Compensation for Rendering Scenes with Heterogeneous Participating Media
Hong Kong, China, September 12-14, 2012

Rasterized Bounding Volume Hierarchies
Cagliary, Italy, May 13-18, 2012

Screen-Space Bias Compensation for Interactive High-Quality Global Illumination with Virtual Point Lights
San Francisco, USA, February 18-20, 2011

Path Regeneration for Random Walks
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 2011

Instant Multiple Scattering for Interactive Rendering of Heterogeneous Participating Media
KIT - Karlsruhe Institut of Technology, December 8, 2010

Path Regeneration for Interactive Path Tracing
Norrköping, Sweden, May 3-7, 2010
WS 2018 (ETH)
WS 2017 (ETH)
WS 2016 (ETH)
WS 2015 (ETH)
SS 2015 (ETH)
SS 2013 (KIT)
- GPU-Computing
- General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Processing Units
- Praktikum Grafik-Programmierung und Anwendungen
WS 2012/2013 (KIT)
- GPU-Computing
- General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Processing Units
- Praktikum Grafik-Programmierung und Anwendungen
SS 2012 (KIT)
- GPU-Computing
- General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Processing Units
- Praktikum Grafik-Programmierung und Anwendungen
WS 2011/2012 (KIT)
- GPU-Computing
- General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Processing Units
- Praktikum Grafik-Programmierung und Anwendungen
SS 2011 (KIT)
- GPU-Computing
- General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Processing Units
- Seminar Natürliche Phänomene in der Computergrafik
WS 2010/2011 (KIT)
- GPU-Computing
- General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Processing Units
- Fortgeschrittene Echtzeit-Rendering-Techniken
reviewing for
- Transaction on Graphics, Computer Graphics Forum, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Computers & Graphics, and others
- SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH Asia, Eurographics, EGSR, HPG, Pacific Graphics, Graphics Interface, and others
professional activities
- IPC member for SIGGRAPH 2019, EGSR 2017; 2020, HPG 2017; 2020, Pacific Graphics 2019
- Posters co-chair for EGSR 2014
- Saeed Hadadan (NVIDIA) - internship, finished 1/2023
- Baptiste Nicolet (NVIDIA) - 3-month internship, finished 9/2022
- Stavros Diolatzis (NVIDIA) - 3-month internship, finished 10/2021
- Pascal Chang (ETH) - Towards Photorealistic and Controllable Neural Appearance Transfer M.Sc. thesis, 10/2022
- Alexandre Cavaleri (ETH) - Photorealistic Neural Appearance Transfer, M.Sc. thesis, 2021
- Hendrik Baatz (ETH, NVIDIA) - NeRF-Tex: Neural Radiance Field Textures, M.Sc. thesis, 3/2021, and 3-month internship
- Till Schnabel (ETH, NVIDIA) - Temporal Neural Scene Understanding, M.Sc. thesis, 8/2020, and 3-month internship
- Thijs Vogels (NVIDIA) - 3-month internship, finished 8/2020
- Ivo Kondapaneni (NVIDIA) - 3-month internship, finished 8/2020
- Jonathan Granskog (ETH, NVIDIA) - Neural Scene Understanding, M.Sc. thesis, finished 9/2019
- Thomas Müller (ETH) - Efficient Light-transport Simulation using Machine Learning, Ph.D. thesis, finished 4/2019
- Ivo Kondapaneni (DRZ) - 3-month internship, finished 9/2018
- Xi Deng (DRZ) - 3-month internship, finished 9/2018
- Yu-chen Tsai (ETH) - Volumetric Reconstruction of Atmospheric Clouds from a Single Image, M.Sc. thesis, finished 4/2018
- Delio Vicini (ETH) - Gradient-domain Rendering of Clouds, M.Sc. thesis, 2017
- Lifan Wu (DRZ) - 3-month internship, finished 9/2017
- Matthias Fauconneau (DRZ) - 9-month internship, finished 9/2017
- Zdravko Velinov (DRZ) 3-month internship, finished 9/2017
- Simon Kallweit (ETH) - Learning High-Order Scattering in Rendering from Data, M.Sc. thesis, finished 9/2016
- Thijs Vogels (ETH) - Kernel-predicting Convolutional Neural Networks For Denoising Monte Carlo Renderings, M.Sc. thesis, finished 9/2016
- Delio Vicini (DRZ) - 3-month internship, finished 9/2016
- Parsa Mirdehghan (DRZ) 3-month internship, finished 9/2016
- Thomas Müller (ETH) - Modeling and Rendering Heterogeneous Granular Media, M.Sc. thesis, finished 3/2016
- Benedikt Bitterli (ETH) - Informed Choices in Primary Sample Space, M.Sc. thesis, finished 9/2015
- Adrian Blumer (DRZ) - 3-month internship, finished 1/2015
- David Koerner (DRZ) - 3-month internship, finished 12/2014
- Shuoran Yang (DRZ) - 6-month part-time internship, finished 8/2014
- Simon Kallweit (DRZ) - 2-month internship, finished 8/2014
- Justus Ulbrich (KIT) - Visibility Caching for Progressive Many-Light Algorithms, B.Sc. thesis, finished 5/2012
- Michael Sohm (KIT) - Progressive Virtual Spherical Lights for Rendering Glossy Scenes, B.Sc. thesis, finished 5/2012
- Karsten Brand (KIT) - Realistic Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering, Diploma thesis, finished 1/2012
- Martin Tillman (KIT) - 2D Path Tracing, Study thesis, finished 5/2011